One - to - One Maths Tutoring

What I offer:

    Individually tailored learning.

One to One Tutoring -  patience, enthusiasm, understanding, encouragement, support.

I tutor from my home - I've discovered that children are less easily distracted when taught in an environment set up for just that purpose, with no familiar distractions! However, each child is unique, and sometimes I know it can be preferable for a child to be in familiar surroundings.

Contact me to discuss your child's needs!

My teaching philosophy...

Experience has reinforced what I've always believed on an instinctive level - that each and every person is a unique combination of talents and interests, likes and dislikes. To overlook this is to marginalise the wonderful in each of us. To educate each person as though they were exactly like the person next to them, then, can never give each person the best learning opportunities. And so I teach the individual.

Primary Maths

Special Educational Needs

Learning through Play

Times Tables Mastery

KS3 Study Skills

School Holiday Boosters

What can I do for you, and your child?

I start from a position of 'unconditional positive regard' (I learned that phrase recently on a course... I'd never heard it before, but immediately it encompassed EXACTLY what I believe all learners need); I am a teacher who LIKES a child for who they are, who is prepared to get to know them, and celebrate and build on all of their unique talents, and help them develop and address all of their stumbling blocks, without those weaknesses effecting my unconditional positive regard of them - they should never feel judged, belittled, rejected or in any manner bad or not good enough, just because they don't yet know something or cannot yet do something. Recognition of a mistake is celebrated because that is part of how we learn! I too make mistakes, and learn from them - and I share that with the children I teach, showing by example that it really is ok!